Catch Us Camping

Nomadic Natterings from the NinkyNonk

Moving Camp

we've movedWhether we blog to earn a living, to showcase our photographic prowess or because we have something important to say, it all takes effort.  Sometimes enthusiasm rides in on a white horse to save the day, other times getting the post out there is plain hard work.

You’d imagine writing about camping and adventure, and finding new places where wondrous things happen is a cinch and mostly it is.  I enjoy researching the places we visit and then wandering about knowing a little of the history and selecting photographs to help illustrate the fabulousness of where we’ve set camp.

During a Blogging 201 learning curve it was pointed out that blogging is most successful when one has a particular focus, which my original (and still existing) blog did not have.  As a new blogger I took note and set up Catch Us Camping as a place to talk about our experiences in our camper trailer.  I continued to write for my original blog which has a reasonable following while continuing to post to Catch Us Camping when we were away.

Catch Us Camping has a small following and every now and again someone stops long enough to comment and I love that (Hi L).    However, I’m too old to be maintaining two web sites and keeping both current so it is time to consolidate the two places into one:  one place where all kinds of things happen.  All things Camping will now fall under a separate category on the banner menu of QP and Eye which is my primary, and now only active blogging home.

It is time to say goodbye on this site, come visit me at QP and Eye.

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